Don’t make these common mistakes during installation | TeckWrap

Don’t make these common mistakes during installation | TeckWrap

Phyllis Li |

Wrapping a car with vinyl wrap film is not complicated if you follow the correct protocol. But a few things are easy to drift you away from the right track. Some can ruin the entire finish immediately, while others can affect the material’s performance over time.


Here are some common mistakes that might tempt you during the vinyl film wrapping process. If you are a beginning installer, bear in mind and avoid them. And if you are an experienced wrapper, this list is still a worthy reminder to read.


Don’t cut the vinyl wrap just to size

It is common that an installer wants to save as much material as they can because certain types of vinyl films are really expensive. But do not cut the roll just to the size of a section when you separate it.


Always leave enough bleed and extra material, as you will need more when you come across corners or recessed areas. You can also check out our previous article to get an idea of how much film you need for different parts of a vehicle.


When bubbles occur

Bubbles are common in car wrap installation. It does not necessarily mean you have done something wrong when they occur. They can come up due to different factors.


To get rid of them, it is tempting for installers to pick the entire piece of material up and re-apply. However, doing this will reduce the adhesive strength and affect the performance of your vinyl wrap film.


It is recommended to use your squeegee and heat gun to fix the bubbles instead. You can check our previous articles to learn how to handle different types of bubbles accordingly.


Approach double-compound section

You might come across double-compound sections when wrapping a vehicle. It is tempting to start from one side to the other with a vinyl wrap film, but doing this will let all the tension build up on one side, while the other has zero stress, which is not good for the overall durability of the material.


The best solution for these areas is to work from the center. You can separate the section into four equal portions, and work towards them one by one from the center. Doing this can help you even out the tension during the process.


Control the temperature

Temperature matters for car wrap installation. Suitable temperature can help you speed up the wrapping process and improve your work. Some wrappers might have a little clue that cold temperature is not good for vinyl application. But if it is too hot, it will not help either.


A freezing environment can make the material easy to tear, and it is tricky to cut it clean. However, if you are wrapping in a place where the temperature constantly rises, the adhesive will float before it should. It is best to keep your workspace between 10 to 32 degrees Celsius, which is the best temperature for most materials.


Heat enough

Overheating the vinyl film is bad, but not heating enough will also affect the performance of the material. To do it safely, you can keep your heat gun about 30 centimeters away from the car wrap. Wave it around the pay attention to the film. Once you find the material softened enough, move to your next step.


Never underestimate these common mistakes. Effectively avoiding them can bring your finish to the next level, or they can make the application frustrating. Equip yourself with more wrapping knowledge at

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