Full print film: All-in-one guideline | TeckWrap

Full print film: All-in-one guideline | TeckWrap

Phyllis Li |

For personalization, branding, or commercials, a full print wrap film is undoubtedly an excellent choice, impactful media to express for individuals, and a powerful billboard for the business.


But to achieve the best result, you must show your best. And this requires the proper skills and techniques when installing a full print vinyl film. Here are some critical facts about this material that can help you understand and handle it better.


Download the right profile

If you are printing the vinyl film on your own, make sure you download the right profile of the printer. Otherwise, the material might turn out tackier than usual or oversaturated. It is best to check the manufacturer’s website beforehand to avoid this situation.


Use the right ink

There are generally three types of ink for full print film: Solvent, eco-solvent, and latex. Every one of them has advantages and disadvantages. Choose accordingly and get a high-quality one from the manufacturer.


Outgas before lamination

If you are using solvent and eco-solvent ink, it is particularly important to outgas before laminating the film (If it is latex, it can be OK to do it right away). Otherwise, the solvent will go through the adhesive layer, and the material will become aggressive. Thus, you will have problems when installing.


You can check with the manufacturer about how long you should outgas the film. The situation can vary. Sometimes it takes 48 hours, but other times it might only need 24 hours.



Lamination is not mandatory as most ink in the market today is UV-protected. But laminating the film can keep it from scratches effectively. There are generally two types of laminations: solid and liquid lamination.


Liquid lamination is usually cheaper compared to the solid one because it is mostly used by larger printing houses for a great amount of production. But it is thicker, so it can be trickier to install. A solid lamination is more flexible in comparison. The thinner the lamination is, the easier you can install the film.


As long as you bear all these facts in mind and apply the vinyl film with suitable techniques, you shall achieve a perfect finish with the vehicle wrap and the best result for your purpose. Visit teckwrap.com for more wrap tips.

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