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Why creating customed look for license plate area|TeckWrap

Why creating customed look for license plate area|TeckWrap

Phyllis Li |

The license plate area has been one of the most challenging sections to wrap with vinyl film, especially when it is one with sharp angles and deeply recessed areas. But if you decide to create a personalized look around this area with different types of materials like carbon, it is another story.


Usually, it is tricky to apply one giant piece of a vehicle wrap to the back bumper and wrap the license plate area with it. Wrapping the whole thing in one piece will bring a lot of tension, which requires more energy and time to tackle.


However, you can be creative enough to wrap the back bumper with one type of vinyl film while the license plate area uses the other. This will become a unique finish and ease your process in the application.


To do this, you need to apply the main vehicle wrap to the back bumper first. Bridge it over the license plate area, set it as you would normally do, and make relief cuts when it needs. Make sure you create a perfectly straight edge at the top of the area.


Then, cut along this top edge with your blade parallel to it. You can now squeegee the material inside the plate area. And cut the excess film away at the top of the area.


Conform the vinyl wrap film to the plate area as usual. When it is properly set, apply light heat to relax the film and form it around towards the top. You can do it by using your finger and making overlapping strokes.


Now that there is a gap at the top of the plate area because you cut away the film there, this is where you will fill up with the other type of material. You can start applying Knifeless tape along the contour on the top edge of the plate area at this point.


As you do it, apply the tape as symmetrically as possible, and make sure you follow the exact contour during the process. This will give you enough extra film to handle the application and achieve full coverage.


Wrap this second piece as usual until everything is done, and the film is perfectly tucked to the top. Last but not least, release the Knifeless tape and cut away any excess material around.


You will then have a head-turning customed finish with high quality. Learn to wrap with no stress at teckwrap.com

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