Wrap around steep wheel well with vinyl wrap film

Wrap around steep wheel well with vinyl wrap film

Phyllis Li |

When coming across a wheel well that is very deep and has a steep angle, it gets a little tricky to wrap with vinyl wrap film. However, with the proper skills and right steps, you can still achieve a high-quality and long-lasting finish.


Before wrapping the wheel well with vinyl wrap film, check if it is covered by moldings. If so, remove them correctly with relevant tools. Then, clean the application surface thoroughly and degrease it, especially on the edges where there are dirt.


Secure the vinyl wrap film in position on the fender with magnets. Leave two to three inches of material for you to wrap around the edge of the wheel well, and cut away the excess film.


Now you can remove the backing paper, and bridge the vinyl wrap film around the edge of the wheel well. Use your finger to set up the edge around from top to bottom, while the other hand applying heat with a heat gun to soften the edge.


Once the edge is properly set, sharpen your knife. Start cutting from the middle of the wheel well at the top, and cut to either side. When you cut, make sure your blade is flush and parallel to the inside of the wheel well so that you will not cut directly on the body.


While your knife is gliding on the side, do not forget to use your free hand to pull the film away. This will help ensure your cutting is stable and clean. When one side is done, repeat the same process and cut to the other side.Cut away the excess material on the underside as soon as both sides are done.


If you are wrapping with a full print film, there is no need to wrap farther inside or the underside of the wheel well. But if it is a color change project, this is when you should take another piece of vinyl to cover up the underside. The cutting skill is the same: make your blade flush and parallel to the side, and avoid cutting on the body.


In this way, there is no tension on the film around the wheel well, and you will achieve a high-quality and durable finish. Learn more wrap tips at teckwrap.com

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