SKU: TW-I-2024/PPF290

Muestras de color TeckWrap 2022

Impuestos incluidos. Los gastos de envío se calcularán al momento de pagar.

Lanzamiento de enero de 2022

El precio incluye los gastos de envío a todo el mundo.

Hay muestras de colores de las series 180 y 190 en la caja.

210 muestras de color

serie 190

RB02-HD Azul profundo
RB04-HD Púrpura Apasionado
RB07-HD Cal Ácida
RB08-HD Coral Melocotón
RB09-HD Azul Caribe
RB12-HD Platino oscuro
RB13-HD Gris Ceniza
RB14-HD Cristal Plata
RB15-HD Columbia Azul
RB16-HD Mar Turquesa
RB17-HD Azul cerúleo
RB18-HD Verde Océano
RB19-HD Naranja intenso
RB20-HD Púrpura Medianoche
RB22-HD Kelly Verde
RB23-HD Amarillo Mostaza
RB25-HD Amarillo Dorado
RB26-HD Verde Rubí
RB27-HD Plata ártica
RB28-HD Níquel vibrante
SL01-HD Sakura rosa
MT01-HD Negro carbón brillante
MT05-HD Lino Beige Brillo
MT01 Negro Carbón Mate
MT05 Lino Beige Mate
HM07-HD Seda Negro Verde Brillo
HM08-HD Hielo de cereza negra
HM09-HD Negro Oro
HM10-HD Burdeos Negro
HM12-HD Sonoma Verde
HM14-HD Sherwood verde
HM15-HD Cobre Bronce
HM16-HD Verde antiguo
Vórtice arcoíris RD11-HD
RD12-HD Miel Lima
RD13-HD Rubí Oro
RD14-HD Amanecer violeta
RD15-HD Galaxia Verde
RD16-HD Verde iridiscente
RD17-HD Rojo Madeira
RD06 Viridiano Azul Dorado
RD07 Malaquita Índigo Púrpura
RD09 Chartreuse Rubí Púrpura
ECH01 Blanco Perla Satinado
ECH02 Gris humo
ECH03 Gris Carbón
ECH04 Bronce Real
ECH15 Azul marino Negro
ECH16 Amarillo Avispón
Bonos ECH17 Oro
ECH18 Oxford Azul
ECH19 Verde Bosque
ECH20 Metal Plata
ECH21 Platino oscuro
ECH22 Flor de cerezo rosa
HM01 Seda Gris Oscuro
HM02-R Negro Plata
HM03 Seda Salvia
HM07 Verde Mate negro Seda
HM09 Verderón dorado
HM13 Kermit Verde
SMT01 Gris mineral
SMT02 Granate quemado
SMT03 Violeta Veneciano
SMT04 Arándano Negro
SMT05 Manto Verde
SMT06 Apolo Gris
SMT07 Azul Rasant
SMT08 Azul Almirante
SMT09 Gris ónix
SMT10 Solar Naranja
SMT11 Surf Azul
SMT12 Verde paraíso
SMT13 Pino Verde
SMT14 Verde Césped
DCH02 Blanco Aurora Mate
DCH02-HD Blanco Aurora Brillo
CK801N Blanco Diamante
CK202N Ébano Brillo
CK522-HD Blanco Perla
CK523-HD Crema rosa perla
CK524-HD Celeste Perla
CK525-HD Perla Dorada
CK526-HD Perla Lavanda
CK903 Blanco Satén
TC01 Marta Negra
TC02 Piniengruen Perla
RCF03 Carbono Cerámico
RCF03M Carbono Cerámico Mate
RCF05 Fantasma Negro
RCF08 Carbono forjado brillante
RCF09M Carbono forjado oscuro
RCF09 Carbono forjado oscuro brillante
CF01 Negro carbón negro
CF02 Negro como boca de lobo
RCH01-HD Fuegos artificiales plateados
RCH03-HD Fuegos artificiales blancos
DS03-HD Atardecer plateado
DS04-HD Azul Maya Azul
DS05-HD Brezo salvaje
DS06-HD Maíz Rosa
DS03M Plata Atardecer Mate

serie 180

GAL01R-HD Sangre verdadera
GAL02-HD Gema Azul
GAL03-HD Púrpura Caramelo
GAL06-HD Pimentón Naranja
GAL10-HD Gris Tormenta
GAL11-HD Súper Niebla Plateada
GAL16-S Azul Marino Oscuro
GAL18-S Azul Vaquero
GAL19-HD Azul Real
GAL20 Gris Sombra
GAL21 Oro Oscuro-Oliva
GAL22 Marrón oscuro-Gris
GAL23-HD Oro Rosa
GAL24-HD Oro Azteca
GAL25-S Bronce Intenso
GAL26-HD Rojo Supremo
GAL27-HD Rojo Caoba
GAL29-HD Verde cazador
GAL30-HD Terciopelo Rojo
VCH401-S Rojo carmesí
VCH402-S Terciopelo Azul
VCH403-S Uva Concordia
VCH404-S Rosa fuerte
VCH405-S Verde Esmeralda
VCH406-S Naranja Silvestre
VCH408-S Amarillo Dorado
VCH410-S Gris plomizo
VCH411-S Salvia plateada
VCH412-S Amarillo Lima
VCH414-S Oro rosa
VCH416-S Violeta Púrpura
CG01 Negro
CG01-HD Último Negro
CG02-HD Súper Blanco
CG03-HD Amazonas gris
CG06-HD Racing Rojo
CG11-HD Tiffany
CG12-HD Amarillo Girasol
CG16-HD Gris Pizarra
CG17-HD Rojo Rojo
CG19-HD Rosa Milenario
CG20-HD Acorazado gris
CG21-HD Mar rodante
CG22-HD China Azul
CG23-HD Verde musgo
CG24-HD Naranja Lava
CG25-HD Chelsea Rosa
CG26-HD Crema Marfil
CG27-HD Verdadero Gris Nardo
CG28-HD Yate azul
CG29-HD Verde caqui
CG30-HD Celadón pálido
CG31-HD Oliva Francesa
CG32-HD Anfibio Verde
CG33-HD Avalon verde azulado
CG34-HD Azul Real
CG35-HD LA Palma Verde
CG36-HD Ámbar Rosa
CG37-HD Bali Azul
CG38-HD Verde de carreras británico
CG39-HD Verde Monzón
CG40-HD Naranja Mandarina
CG41-HD Geco Verde
CG42-HD Verde uva
CG43-HD Rejilla Amarilla
CG44-HD Amarillo rayo de sol
CG45-HD Onda ámbar
CM01M Negro
CM01-MS Negro Arena
CM02 Blanco
CM09 Verde Militar
SCM01 Negro Profundo
SCM02 Alaska Blanco
SCM03 Pantera Negra
SCM11 junto a la bahía
SCM16 Polaris Gris
SCM20 Negro Grafito
SCM23 Gris Lagarto
SCM24 Mandarina
SCM25 Coral de Bahía
SCM26 Crema de Vainilla
SCM27 Gris níquel
SCM28 Azul Ártico
SCM30 Gris Tiza
SCM35 Manzana Agria
SCM36 Resplandor otoñal
SCM37 Azul niebla
BM04 Tinta Negra
BM05 Algodón Metálico
BM06 Plata de ley
BM07 Espada Plata
MCH01 Púrpura Azul Aguamarina
MCH02 Gema de Ammolita
MCH08 Baya Congelada
MCH09 Océano de cobalto
CK892 Azul Púrpura Mate
CK892G Azul Púrpura Brillo
CHM01-HD Oro Blanco
CHM02-HD Oro Amarillo
CHM03-HD Oro rosa
CHM04-HD Rojo Cereza
CHM08-HD Azul Zafiro
CHM09-HD Amatista
CHM10-HD Negro azabache
CHM11-HD Naranja
CHM12-HD Rosa Eléctrico
CHM16-HD Menta
CHM17-HD Azul claro

    Product features

    Frequently Asked Questions


    What are your product sizing details?

    Our standard roll is 1.52*18 meters, 5*59 feet, 1.6*19 yards. A customer can request a cut to order. We sell 3, 5, 10, and 15-meter rolls. If you need a custom size, please get in touch with us for a quote.

    How much vinyl wrap do I need for my vehicle?

    Make sure you have chosen enough material

    Motorcycles 10-16 feet (3-5 meters)
    Mini, small cars 42-45 feet (13-14 meters)
    Convertible 49-52 feet (15-16 meters)
    Coupe 55-59 feet (17-18 meters)
    Sedan 55-59 feet (17-18 meters)
    Hatchback 52-55 feet (16-17 meters)
    Sports Car 52-55 feet (16-17 meters)
    Station Wagon 59-65 feet (18-20 meters)
    Sport-utility Vehicle (SUV) 55-63 feet (17-19 meters)
    Minivan 65-80 feet (20-24 meters)
    Pickup Truck 72-92 feet (22-28 meters)

    Keep in mind that you may need extra material for repairs.
    Therefore we recommend adding 6-9 feet (2-3 meters) to your measurements to avoid additional shipping expenses.

    Do you offer custom color vinyl wraps and custom printing services?

    We provide color customization for car vinyl wraps with a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of 50 rolls. This service allows you to create a unique color tailored to your needs. If you need fewer than 50 rolls, we recommend custom printing instead. With no MOQ required, this is a flexible option for smaller projects. We offer high-quality custom printing services, including:
    Printing your designs, logos, or patterns
    Design assistance to help bring your ideas to life
    The requests should be sent by email to

    Product warranty and durability

    Preapplication/production warranty: TeckWrap products are warranted to be free of defects in material for the period of shelf life. In case of product defects communicated in mentioned period, TeckWrap will consider and determine the existence of the defect and further decide at its sole discretion, to either replace defective product without charge or compensate it with money in such amount, as TeckWrap deems reasonable. This action is the exclusive right and only obligation of TeckWrap Inc. This warranty does not cover the cases of normal wearing, transportation and wrong application.

    Usage/removal warranty: The durability of the products depends on many factors, such as climate, application, and vehicle care. In optimal conditions of the Mid-European climate, professional application and proper car care when the vehicle is parked in the garage (not left under trees) and cleaned with hand washing at least once a week, the vinyl film can last up to 5 years, considering the expected weathering (exposure to UV, scratches and stone chips). We recommend unwrapping the vehicle after 5 years.

    Due to the factors mentioned above, the warrantied periods of usage and removal are different for each product and specified in technical datasheets that can be found in the website's Resources section.


    How to figure out if a vinyl wrap is directional?

    Most of the metallic, satin, and textured colors we offer are directional, and we mention if they are in the product descriptions, but there are several methods to double-check and avoid mistakes.
    1. Align test pieces: Cut two small pieces of the vinyl and rotate one piece 90° or 180° relative to the other. The wrap is directional if the color, shine, or texture appears different.
    2. Inspect the back printing (liner). TeckWrap vinyl films have printed lines and logos on the backing paper. Always keep track of the orientation of each piece as you cut and apply them. Align the material consistently to maintain a uniform appearance.

    Can vehicle wraps be applied on ruined paint and rusty surfaces?

    Applying vehicle wraps on bad paint or rust is not recommended for several reasons.
    1. Adhesion issues: car wraps adhere best to smooth, intact surfaces. Chipped or peeling paint will not hold the vinyl film properly, leading to burbling and lifting.
    2. Removal risk: if applied to weak or damaged paint, removing the wrap later may pull up more paint, worsening the vehicle’s condition.
    3. Surface Instability: the wrap may not stick or will quickly degrade in those areas.
    4. Moisture trapping: wrapping over rust can trap moisture, accelerating the rusting process underneath.
    What can be done? Repair first. Fix any paint damage or rust spots before applying a wrap by sanding, priming, and repainting the affected area. For a lasting and quality result, ensure the vehicle’s surface is clean, smooth, and damage-free.

    Can wraps be polished or waxed?

    You can wax and polish wraps, but only those with a glossy finish. The wax should be specially formulated for wraps; avoid traditional carnauba wax because it can build up on the surface. Light polishing can be done to restore shine, but aggressive polishing should not be used. Use non-abrasive products. As a better choice, we recommend using a vinyl-safe ceramic coating instead of wax or polish. It adds a layer of protection and enhances the appearance. Before applying anything on the wrap, test a small, inconspicuous area first and clean the wrap thoroughly before using any product to avoid trapping dirt.

    How to maintain the vehicle wrap?

    Maintaining a car wrap is crucial to keep it looking fresh and prolong its lifespan. Here is what you need to do.
    1. Hand wash your car with water-based, non-abrasive soap every 1-2 weeks to remove dirt, debris, and pollutants. Avoid abrasive cleaners, strong solvents, or harsh chemicals
    2. Always dry your car after washing it with a soft microfiber towel. Avoid air drying.
    3. Apply ceramic coatings for added protection against UV rays, dirt, and contaminants.
    4. Quickly clean bird droppings, bug splatter, tree sap, or fuel spills. These will damage the wrap if left too long.
    5. Avoid harsh weather conditions such as long-period freezing or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Park in shaded areas or use a car cover.

    What are the key advices to achieve a perfect finish?

    • We recommend using a tack reducer for flat panels.
    • Installation by at least two people/panel
    • Don't heat up to the line where the film is lifted to prevent adhesive lines.
    • Apply max 50 degrees of heat when stretching to prevent fading and marks.
    • Apply soap and water over the squeegee felt to avoid scratches.
    • Relax the film (heat and let it cool down) before applying it to a recess
    • Post-heat a vinyl film to a recommended temperature


    Can I request free samples?

    If you have a wrapshop, please use the following discount code to order free samples- TWPROMOSAMPLES. If you a DIY customer you can still request free samples however you may be asked to pay the shipping fees. Please reach us by email, message online or via Social messengers.

    Are there any discounts for bulk orders/veteran discounts/sponsorships?

    TeckWrap has a very responsive and loyal customer service team that is always ready to address questions or concerns. Therefore, we are flexible when it comes to product offers, distribution, and loyalty discounts. We often participate in sponsorship projects that car enthusiasts offer as collaboration and branded promotions. Please reach us by email at or message your sales manager.


    What countries do you ship to?

    We ship worldwide and provide free shipping options to USA, Canada, Mexico and countries of the Western Europe. To learn more, please contact us.

    How long will it take to receive my order?

    The order processing time is 24 hours. We ship on working days and provide tracking numbers within 48 hours from the order time. The orders are shipped with FedEx International 3-8 business days, UPS Domestic 2-3 business days and DHL 4-7 business days.

    Do you have overnight shipping option?

    We dont offer overnight shipping. Shipping will take 2-6 business days.

    Do you offer pick-up service?

    We don't offer pick-up service.

    Are there additional fees and customs duties?

    When the goods are being shipped internationally, customs fees and additional fees from carriers may apply due to various legislation and shipping terms. Please get in touch with your sales manager to figure out if any extra fees are applicable.

    How to file a claim if my package is defective/damaged/lost?

    If your package is defective or lost, please get in touch with us promptly by sending a letter to with a filled Reclamation form and inform your sales manager. Note that cases without a submited reclamation form will not be reviewed.

    Returns and Refunds

    How do I return a product?

    Upon receiving your order, if you are not completely satisfied with your color choice, please contact customer service within 30 days for a return/refund or replacement. Shipping, freight, and service charges (if any) are NON-REFUNDABLE. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.

    How long will it take to receive my refund?

    Refunds are processed within 7 days from when we receive the item(s).