Pre-stretch vinyl wrap film for antenna application

Pre-stretch vinyl wrap film for antenna application

Phyllis Li |

Quite a few tips about wrapping an antenna with vinyl wrap film have been introduced here at TeckWrap, including creating a template for easier application, wrapping it in one piece with overlap, and even mending the bad cuts around the antenna.


(If you missed those, feel free to check out the links below and catch up:

No Risk Wrapping Around Antenna with Vinyl Wrap Film

Wrapping antenna in one piece of vinyl wrap film

Make Bad Cut of Vinyl Around Antenna Good again)


Still, there is so much to learn on vinyl film wrapping. So here are some more tips about antenna, which is to wrap it in one piece with the pre-stretch technique. This technique brings out a seamless finish without overlap. It helps you finish the install much more quickly with a high-quality outcome.


However, to come clear, this technique only works for the antenna that does not have two severe 90-degree angled corners on its back. If this is the case, you can check out our previous articles for the relevant tips you need.


For this method, you have to remove the antenna first. Clean it properly. Then, take a panel of vinyl wrap film and bridge it over an open window of the vehicle. Pre-stretch it there before you put it on the antenna.


When you work around the antenna with the vinyl wrap film, it is better to have two people working together, since the antenna is taken off from the vehicle. You can have one person who holds the antenna, doing the squeegeeing and applying simultaneously, while the other person keeps the vinyl wrap film away from the surface, adding heat when it needs.


As you apply, tack and secure the film on the flat area. Slightly pull the material towards the back and spread it out – Although there is no severe 90-degree angle there, there is a certain angle. And the material tends to bunch up if it is not handled properly. In the meantime, the other person can help add a bit of heat around the back area and relax the film.


Mostly, the backside of the antenna is steeper. That is where you should deal with first. Apply incrementally. Always read the wrinkles and know where to shift the material. And when you have to pull the vinyl wrap film, make sure you pull in a triangle shape to even it out.


By pre-stretching beforehand, the vinyl wrap film not only gets relaxed but also shrinks back to where you want it to be as you heat it. And you get high-quality and durability for the long term in this way.


Take your time to handle the material properly with the combination of the techniques mentioned above. Get the steep backside done first, then one side before the other, until the whole antenna is fully wrapped. You will then have a seamless and perfect paint-like antenna.


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