It’s Either Your Wrap Is Post Heated, or You’re Cooked

It’s Either Your Wrap Is Post Heated, or You’re Cooked

Jason Liu |

And you are asking us why would anyone even bother to do this boring and time consuming job?

Some think car wrapping is just about wrapping itself, or even though some know it is not, they choose to overlook some parts of it that do not belong to the actual wrapping process -post heating is one of those parts they skip.

You might be saying, isn’t it too boring to just heat a wrap? Why would anyone even care to do this? It is just a waste of time...

Well, it might be the most dull part of the whole installation, but surprise! It is also one of the most important points! Although it is the most time consuming one as well.

(Make it to the end of this article to get your bonus!)

No matter how great you think of yourself at car wrapping, you will not be able to win over the property of a vinyl film, not without conducting this process for sure. In fact, you actually can’t really say the installation is done until you finish the post heating.

Just to you know, whenever a vinyl film is stretched, two contradictory forces become activated: the film tempting to “snap” back to its original shape, but with the adhesive material keeping it in place at the same time.

So that is a fight between film memory and glue. Now guess what would happen if you really did neglect this step? The film will get pulled or shrunk back -oh yeah, that is for sure. Even worse, peeling, curling edges, bubbles, wrinkles, lifting and other problems will have the chance to come along.

But why would post heating has to do with these things? There is a very simple reason: When you post heat a vinyl film to a certain temperature after applying it to a surface, the heat will erase the memory so that the film remain the same size and position, as you want.

In order to do this, you will have to check with the manufacturer, as different films have various specifications - meaning they have different points of temperature where the memory can be erased.

For some of those who know “something” about post heating, they sometimes “guess” the temperature of the memory erasing point when post heating. Or they might be doing it because the manufacturer is not able to provide related details to them.

With TeckWrap’s vinyl film, every product has been provided a list of all its information for reference, just to avoid the relevant consequence.

What consequence are we talking about here? For instance, the finish might be damaged due to overheat of the film -just because the installer was “guessing”.

Now you see, even this very boring process is very technical. So never underestimate it!

Congratulation on scrolling down and reading to this point! Now here is your reward:

Five more tips on post heating to make your perfect finish:

  1. Use a heat gun
  2. Always along with infrared gauge
  3. Always refer to manufacturer’s related details
  4. Never guess
  5. Be thorough when heating



2 minute read

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