Wrapping sided hood in one piece|TeckWrap

Wrapping sided hood in one piece|TeckWrap

Phyllis Li |

Usually, a hood is a straightaway piece of cover secured at the front of a vehicle. But some are sided with a one-centimeter-wide area underneath on the left and right.


There is usually a steep angle between the main surface of the hood and these two sides. Thus, it is easy to overstretch the vinyl wrap film if you do not have the right approach when applying.


We have talked about how to wrap this hood with inlays to avoid building up tension around the recessed areas (Check the previous article here). Today, you will learn to tackle the whole section in one piece of vehicle wrap with the proper techniques.


Depending on the vinyl wrap film you are using, sometimes it might be better to wrap this type of hood with inlays. But for cast film, you can wrap it in one piece comfortably, as long as you approach it in the correct way. Wrapping in one piece is usually ideal because there is no overlap, and you can literally achieve a perfect seamless finish. It saves you more time as well.


Wrap the main surface first as usual

To handle this type of hood, you should wrap the main surface first. Apply as normal. Make sure you have enough material for the two sides. Once the main area is wrapped, lift the extra material from the fender. Open the hood and get ready to work on the sides.


Feeding instead of bridging

You should form the vinyl film to the two sides incrementally. Use the soft part of your squeegee to run on the edge between the main surface and the side. Use your finger to help tuck the material to the recessed area after your squeegee has gone through the edge.


Run your squeegee the same way again, furtherly feed the vinyl wrap film to the corner and recessed area evenly. Repeat this by sliding your squeegee back and forth. There is no tension by feeding the material into this area instead of bridging. As soon as you finish both sides, cut away the excess film and seal the edges.


Easy and straightforward! Learn more wrap tips at teckwrap.com

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