All-in-one guideline: Vinyl wrapping Tesla (Front part) | TeckWrap

All-in-one guideline: Vinyl wrapping Tesla (Front part) | TeckWrap

Phyllis Li |

Tesla has been one of the most popular vehicles today. And people are keen to personalize it with different vinyl wrap finishes. If that is what you are up to, this guideline is right for you. This guideline will be separated into several parts. Here is one for the front sections. Let’s learn how to perfectly wrap with high-quality and efficiency:



The hood of Tesla is usually not complicated to wrap with vinyl film if you approach it properly. Here is how you can do it:


Purple green Tesla



After cleaning thoroughly, you can start applying the material. The process can be much faster if you have two people working together. Hold the vehicle wrap from the two sides, and ensure there is enough material for every side of the hood.


When releasing the backing paper, do not forget to hold the vinyl high so that it will not touch the surface. If it is team-working, ensure every installer pulls simultaneously and releases the liner evenly, which can help avoid getting wrinkles on the vinyl wrap film.


Start from the upper corners

After releasing the liner, flatten the car wrap before letting it touch the hood. Then, hook it to the two upper corners and pull away. You can then create glass from the upper corners as you pull. Starting from these sharp corners can help you lower the chance of getting wrinkles.


Do not squeegee in the middle till this point. Otherwise, you might get adhesive lines. After glassing out the film, you can use your squeegee from the center. Going over the hood with overlapping squeegee strokes from top to bottom. Hold your squeegee at a low angle that is as close to the surface as possible. This will also help avoid adhesive lines.


Double-check before adding heat

Once it is done, double-check if the vehicle wrap is settled at the corners. Starting from the upper corners again, you should round the film around the top edge of the hood.


By now, you would feel tension on the outside edge, although you did not stretch the car wrap very much. Now, this is the point to take advantage of it. Apply heat to the edge around the corner, and the vinyl will shrink underneath the hood, which can help you achieve excellent durability.


Cut away the excess

Cut away the excess material on the side of the hood. Make sure you angle your blade away from the edge. By doing this, you will have enough material to wrap around later. As soon as you finish cutting, seal the edge.


Now that you have got the hood done, it is time to move on to the fender.



A front fender is not always tricky to wrap with vinyl film. But if you are handling a Tesla Model 3, there are things you should pay attention to.


Black gold Tesla Model 3


For a Tesla Model 3, there are lots of recessed areas with severe angles on its front fender. And it will be a challenge if you wrap it with hardware like the side light. But here are some tips in terms of how you can achieve a perfect finish in this case:


Lower surface energy

First, apply masking tape to the side light and under the A-pillar area. If you want a perfect look without adhesive lines, masking tape is a must. After putting the tape under the A-pillar area, use your squeegee to secure it and ensure it is tight enough.


Use Design Line to ensure full coverage

Apply Design Line Knifeless tape along the edge of the front light. When running it, make sure you do it symmetrically. Do it from the bottom to the top. Run it till the end and set its end at the front section. Apply the tape to the edge of a gap near the front light.


As no hardware is off, Knifeless tape can significantly help you get full coverage without overwrapping.


Start wrapping

As soon as you are well prepared, you can start wrapping. Release the backing paper of the panel and apply it to the surface. Hook the vinyl wrap film at the back. And you can start working with less stress.


Relief cut at the side light

Make a relief cut around the front light and tack the material to the upper bodyline, setting the car wrap in position. Once it is done, squeegee around the bodyline to secure the film in place.


Next, move onto the side light. Sharpen your blade and make a relief cut along the top section of the light from side to side. Use a micro squeegee to slightly pick the material up from the masking tape underneath, relaxing the film.


You can now cautiously pick the vinyl wrap up from the bottom and pull it down again. As you pull with your free hand, squeegee down the wrinkles at the top section. When your squeegee gets near the side light, hold the panel down and tuck the material underneath the light.


Use your sharp blade to cut along the bottom section of the side light, together with the cut before, making it an enclosed cut. Doing this can help you avoid tearing a fragile material like satin. As soon as it is done, use a micro squeegee to form the film around the light. Then, you can move on to the bottom of the fender.


After tackling the side light, things will become much easier. You can quickly get the bottom done and deal with the front. Make sure you squeegee the vinyl down tightly on the Knifeless Tape.


Use Palm to avoid adhesive line

When getting to corners, you can add light heat to the material to relax it and tuck it deeply with a micro squeegee. This is an excellent way to get full coverage. Once everything is done, take on an application glove, and run your palm from one side to the other at the top of the front fender. Doing this can help avoid getting adhesive lines on the section. Last but not least, cut away the excess film, release the Design Line, and seal all edges.


By now, you have got the front part of a Tesla done. Stay tuned and learn the rest! Find more wrap tips at

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